Various Efficacy Of Leaf Distance

::: Various Efficacy Of Leaf Distance ::

Benefits and Benefits Leaves Distance to health is no doubt. Since ancient times, our ancestors have been using Jatropha curcas as a traditional medicine, ranging from the root, stems, leaves, seeds of fruit distance to sap. Called jatropha tree because most people plant this tree around the yard of the house like a fence. Why can it be a traditional medicine? This tree has passed the research stage and resulted in a conclusion that this tree contains some compounds needed by the body to treat various diseases.

Gynecology of Foliage Tree Leaves Compound

Leaf jatropha contains Kaemferol, isoquercitrin, routine, nicotiflorin, quercetin, astragalin, reynoutrin, ricinine, kaemferol-3-rutinososide, vitamin C 275 mg.

Ingredients of Jatropha Curcas

Jatropha tree sprouts contain proteases as wound healers, antifungal jatrophie and also flavonid and saponin.

Gynecology of Jatropha seed compound

In the seeds of this tree contain β-glucanase which has antifungal activity (fungi), curcin, toxalbumin and also anticancer.

Gynecology Compound Leaf Bark Tree Jatropha

In the bark of the jatropha tree contains tannin, night, resin and saponin.

Compound Content From Seed Oil

The juice of the dregs in the form of oil contains nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.

The Benefits of Trees For Health Distance

Treat Rheumatism

How: Take the leaf Jatropha leaves and select the leaves that are old and fresh, wash until clean and mash until smooth with enough water. After that, apply to the affected body parts rheumatism, exim, itching, etc. Or it could be by compressing and leave for several hours and then replaced with a new one.

Treating Hurting Toothache

The sap contained in the jatropha tree is antimicrobial in order to repel bacteria such as Streptococcus, staphylococcus, and Escherechia Coli and can be used to treat toothaches due to cavities. The trick is just to take on the distance tree using cotton, then the cotton is affixed to the teeth holes.

Treat Inflammation of the Ears

Ear inflammation can occur due to Sudden Influenza. It is characterized by rising body temperature, pain in the ear, and a buzzing ear. How to treat it is to take half a tablespoon Ginger Jatropha, then drop it into the ear as much as 6 drops.

Treat Thrush

take the sap on the trunk of the newly picked tree, then sap directly applied to the lips that canker sores.

Whitish On Baby Tongue

To overcome the whiteness on the palate of the baby's palate, take the leaves that have just been picked from the tree, then from the stalk will remove the sap. Well, the sap is directly applied to the baby's tongue. Then the whiteness will come out with the water.

Injuries and Bleeding

New injuries can be stopped directly with Jatropha Curcas because this sap is anti microbial to repel Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Escherichia coli Infection / Bacteria.

Dilute phlegm

How: Take the roots of a tree spacing sufficiently, then washed thoroughly and boiled with 7 cups water to boil until the remaining 2 cups. Cooking water is in the drink in the morning and evening. Repeat until 3 times the stew then replace with new root.

Symptoms of distance usage poisoning are headache, vomiting defecation, heat, leukocytosis, white blood picture shift left, urination production stalled, cold sweat, convulsions, prostration, dies.

Bowel obstruction

Pick the 4 pieces of fresh jatropha leaves. Wash clean, then steam until wilted. After steaming, eat for 7 consecutive days or until constipation is healed.

Zooming in Vital Tools

This benefit is often sought by men, namely raising his vital tool. The trick: prepare 10 pieces of leaf distance and also the trunk and a lime fruit. Then all the material is pounded until smooth. Before doing the massage with the above ingredients, you should massage the vital tool with olive oil. After that, just massaged using the concoction that had been formulated.

WARNING! Deaths can occur when eating 20 seeds in adults and 2 to 7 seeds in children. To eliminate the toxin can be done by heating at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius or more for 20 minutes. Can also boil for 2 hours. However, anti-cancer properties jug can be lost by heating it.

Well that's some of the Benefits and Benefits Leaves Distance to health. Hopefully this article useful.